
Biden gets routine medical exam as he prepares for 2024 run – LaPresse

Biden gets routine medical exam as he prepares for 2024 run

President Joe Biden is heading to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a routine medical checkup, an event that is being keenly watched as the oldest president in history makes plans for an expected reelection campaign.

16 Febbraio 2023

Biden, 80, last received a standard medical exam in November 2021. During that five-hour-plus visit, he went through a combination of blood, physical, gastrointestinal, dental, vision and neurological tests, according to AP.

Afterward, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, who has been Biden’s primary care physician since 2009, signed a six-page memo that called Biden “healthy, vigorous,” and deemed him “fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.”

Many people, including Democrats, have expressed reservations about Biden seeking a second term in 2024. Only 37% of Democrats say Biden should pursue reelection, down from 52% prior to last year’s midterm elections, according to a recent poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Overall, 22% of U.S. adults said he ought to run again.

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